In the middle of dealing with all of this with Abby, Lucky had several spots simulataneously appear in different places around her body. Of course, having already experienced mast cell with her, our red flags were thrown up and I started to panic yet again. My husband made an appointment to take her in and have them aspirated before deciding whether or not to surgically remove them. So off we were to yet another vet appointment. The night before, I had yet another break-down and suddenly feared the worst. I was so sure it would be horrible and that we'd be dealing with the possibility of losing not just one dog, but two. Negative thinking seemed to be an ability which I'd become greatly skilled in over the past few months.
However, when my husband took her in the results of the aspirations weren't horrible The vet felt that only one of them looked suspicious and said that in his experience, what he saw under the microscope wasn't probably too bad, if it was mast cell. Still we elected to have them all removed as soon as possible. A few days later they took Lucky in and cut off the spots we found, plus some we'd somehow missed (she ended up with 7 spots total removed). The poor girl was miserable all night. She is a drama queen and a whiner, and did not take well to pain medicene at all. She actually had a strange reaction to the sedatives which though harmless, really freaked me out. All of this just resulted in a groggy, whiny, pup who spent the night howling in pain. :(
The next few days passed slowly while we waited for the results. You'd think we'd be old pros at it by now and able to find time to keep busy and forget our fears of the unknown and momentarily get on with life, but it wasn't that simple. Again, I watched the clock and kept my phone by my side constantly. We finally got the call one day around noon. Everything had come back fine. I felt like we'd dodged a bullet.
But the thing with cancer is, you never know. Even when you think your dog is in remission, there's always that chance that somewhere inside that precious furry body is a cancer cell, waiting to multiple and wreck havoc once again. Once someone you love has had cancer, life is not the same anymore, and it seems somedays as though you live waiting for the other shoe to drop. Or in our case, the other BOMB, that fell just this week.
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